Yields assigments of genes/cells to clusters, depending on the provided model type.

celdaGridSearch(counts, model, params.test, params.fixed = NULL,
  max.iter = 200, nchains = 3, cores = 1, best.only = TRUE,
  seed = 12345, verbose = TRUE, logfile.prefix = "Celda")



A count matrix.


Celda model. Options available in `celda::available.models`.


List. A list denoting the combinations of parameters to run in a celda model. For example, "list(K=5:10, L=15:20)" will run all combinations of K from 5 to 10 and L from 15 to 20 in model 'celda_CG'.


List. A list denoting additional parameters to use in each celda model. Default NULL.


Integer. Maximum number of iterations of Gibbs sampling to perform. Default 200.


Integer. Number of random cluster initializations. Default 1.


Integer. The number of cores to use for parallel Gibbs sampling. Default 1.


Logical. Whether to return only the chain with the highest log likelihood per combination of parameters or return all chains. Default TRUE.


Integer. Passed to set.seed(). Default 12345.


Logical. Whether to print log messages during celda chain execution. Default TRUE.


Character. Prefix for log files from worker threads and main process. Default "Celda".


Object of class "celda_list", which contains results for all model parameter combinations and summaries of the run parameters


## Simulate a small dataset with 5 cell clusters and 10 feature modules celda.sim = simulateCells(model="celda_CG", K=5, L=10, G=100) ## Run various combinations of parameters with 'celdaGridSearch' cgs = celdaGridSearch(celda.sim$counts, model="celda_CG", params.test=list(K=4:6, L=9:11), params.fixed=list(sample.label=celda.sim$sample.label), best.only=TRUE, nchains=1)
#> --------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Starting celdaGridSearch with celda_CG
#> Number of cores: 1
#> --------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Error in { current.run = c(run.params[i, ]) chain.params = list() for (j in names(params.test)) { chain.params[[j]] = current.run[[j]] } chain.params$counts = counts chain.params$seed = all.seeds[ifelse(i%%nchains == 0, nchains, i%%nchains)] chain.params$max.iter = max.iter chain.params$nchain = 1 chain.params$count.checksum = count.checksum chain.params$verbose = verbose chain.params$logfile = paste0(logfile.prefix, "_", paste(paste(colnames(run.params), run.params[i, ], sep = "-"), collapse = "_"), "_Seed-", chain.params$seed, "_log.txt") res = do.call(model, c(chain.params, params.fixed)) return(list(res))}: task 1 failed - "unused argument (gamma)"